Ritalin, Site Updates and Dreams
A couple days ago I tried Ritalin to help me concentrate on some work. The experience was great.
To test the waters I took 10mg in the early afternoon after getting back from my classes. It took around 45 minutes to take effect, at which point I was knee deep in an essay. It helped so much. My mind felt clear and I could formulate my thoughts into words more easily. I knew what I needed to do, and how to do it.
I worked on the essay for a solid 3 hours, after which my concentration took a blow and I couldn't think straight. I presume this is a result of me being tired in combination with the Ritalin wearing off.
The next day I took 20mg to work on the same essay. Throughout the "trip" I wrote what I was feeling... Below I've pasted the plain text
age: 18-19 gender: male medications: n/a drugs taken recently: 10mg ritalin (previous day), marijuana (@~12am this morning) +hh:mm notes ------------- +00:00 took 20mg ritalin (2x 10mg) +00:40 still no effects noticable, working on an assessment as i wait for it to kick in. +01:00 effects are starting to become noticable. clearer mind, easier to concentrate and write the essay. +01:25 definitely feeling "wired" at the moment. I'm able to concentrate fully on the essay, however temptations to program instead of write are noticable, i may take a break from the essay to make something. +01:27 words come easily when im writing, however im dreading the comedown where i assume my mind will become very clouded. +03:00 it has been two hours since the last update. i have been writing the essay in this time. at the moment a stragne heavy sensation can be felt in my head, but concentration is still alright, i don't think it has worn off just yet. +03:16 taking a break, to do something else, concentration seems to have faulted.. posssibly? +03:19 will drink an energy drink in an attempt to prolong the effects +03:40 took a sip of an energy drink, my leg seems jittery but this cant be from the extremely small amount of caffeine ingested. +03:47 for the record: the energy drink is 250mL V and contains 78mg of caffeine. I have been drinking water throughout. +05:29 effects seem to have completely worn off. it should be noted that when i said i would take a break @T+03:16 - i didn't. mind is not that clouded, but i feel tired.
After the effects wore off, I didn't crash as hard as when i took 10mg the first time. Probaby due to the fact I got ~6hrs of sleep the night before, and didn't have any classes to go to. The introduction of the energy drink probably has something to do with that as well.
In other news, I've updates the CSS to something more cleaner, and I'm working on making it look better on mobile. The dates of posts has been moved to the top right, in the navigation bar. For anyone wondering this is in mm/dd/yy format.
I'm going to post some roughly written dreams on here in the coming days. I write down some significant dreams after i have them, and refine them later to make them more readable and interesting.